How to reinstall the water leak detector
Log in to the Sfty app or download it from Google play or App Store by searching at Sfty.
To reinstall the water leak detector you need to do the following 3 step:
- Delete the water leak detector from app
- Reset the device
- Reinstall the water leak detector
1. Delete the water leak detector from app
*You will be asked to insert the app password, if you haven’t added any password you can do this on your user account. Go to the main menu and then click on your name on top of the page.
2. Reset device
To reset the device, press a pin into the back of the device where it says RESET. You must first remove the cover on the back to access the reset button. Press the needle until you hear a beep. Then remove one of the batteries.
3. Reinstall the water leak detector
If you need help, or have any questions, please contact us on
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